FUTU HK Help Center-120.HK Bonus Issue

120.HK Bonus Issue

Cosmopolitan International Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 0120) (Temporary Counter Stock Code: 2966) - Cosmo Bonus Issue.

Pursuant to the announcement regarding the proposed merger of Cosmopolitan International Holdings Limited (“Cosmopolitan”) the Cosmo Share Consolidation and the Cosmo Bonus Issue.

Option 1-(Default option) Bonus Shares: 2 Cosmo Bonus Shares for every 1 Consolidated Share held.

Option 2 - Bonus CNs: 2 Cosmo Bonus CNs which are represented by dummy Stock Code 44046 for every 1 Consolidated Share held

The Cosmo Bonus CNs are not listed on any stock exchange and will not be admitted into CCASS as Eligible Securities, will be directly credited to the account by dummy Stock Code 44046. You must submit a physical stock withdrawal instruction form to withdraw the Cosmo Bonus CNs and re-register the Cosmo Bonus CNs into your own names in order to receive issuer’s announcements, circulars and/or future entitlement distribution, if any. 

Subscription deadline: 4:00 p.m. on 20/11/2023 (HONG KONG TIME GMT+8).

(Please note that applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.)

Customers who choose option 2

When you select option 2, please fill in the following information and use the registered email address of Futu to send an email to cs@futuhk.com.

1. Account Number: 
2. Name:  (In English)
3. Stock code:  120.HK
4. Options:  option 2
5. Number of shares participating in corporate actions (Over subscription is not supported):

Corporate Action Application Charges:    

Corporate Action Fee – HKD0.80 per board lot

Handling Fee –  HKD1.00 per board lot, minimum charge HKD30.00

*All Application will be processed on subscription deadline.
*If you fill in the wrong application information, you need to resend the email to submit the application
*If Customers may elect either the (Option 1) or (Option 2) (but not, for the avoidance of doubt, a combination of the two)
*In the absence of an election, Option 01 will be taken.

1. Option (1) is the default option. We will help clients to choose option (1) if have not received clients’ emails.
2. This corporate action does not accept additional applications, the maximum number of applications that a client can apply for does not exceed the number of eligible shares it holds.
3. Please reserve enough funds to pay the handling fee, otherwise, it will be deemed as a waiver.
4. If you fill in the wrong application information, you need to resend the email to submit the application.
5. Once a corporate action is applied, it cannot be withdrawn.
6. In case of any changes, the announcement of the listed company shall prevail.

For more information, please refer to the link below

Company action announcement

Company action announcement

Corporate Action Encyclopedia