FUTU HK Help Center-P/L & settlement mechanism

P/L & settlement mechanism


1. For a long position: P/L = (Bid Price - Cost Price) * Position Size* Contract Multiplier

2. For a short position: P/L = (Cost Price - Offer Price) * Position Size * Contract Multiplier

3. If your quote currency is not USD, your profit (denominated in the quote currency) needs be converted to USD at the real-time exchange rate before settlement.


If you open a short position in one USD/CHF contract at the cost price of 0.9660, and close it at the price of 0.9671:

Realized P/L = (0.9660 - 0.9671) * 100,000 * 1 = -110 CHF

Since the quote currency is CHF, instead of USD, your profit (denominated in CHF) needs to be converted to USD at the real-time exchange rate. If CHF/USD is now quoted at 1.0354, your realized P/L is -110 CHF * 1.0354 = -113.89 USD.

Settlement Date

The settlement date for leveraged forex is two business days after the execution date (T+2). It means a leveraged forex contract executed today (T0) will settle after the market close on the second business day (T+2).

Say, if T0 is Monday, the contract will settle after the market close on Wednesday; if T0 is Thursday, it will settle after the market close next Monday.