FUTU HK Help Center-US stock fees (stocks, ETFs, options)

US stock fees (stocks, ETFs, options)

1. US stocks and ETFs

Transaction and charge fees are both in U.S. dollars

1.1 Commission

Type Fees Charged by
Commission $0.0049/Share, min $0.99/Order FUTU HK

1.2 Platform Fees

Details will be introduced separately in fixed and tiered types.

1.2.1 Fixed (Suitable for ordinary traders)

Type Fees Charged by
Platform Fee $0.005/Share, min $1/Order FUTU HK

1.2.2 Tiered(Suitable for high frequency traders)

Transaction shares per month Fees per share (min 1 per order) Charged by
1 - 500th shares $0.010 FUTU HK
501 - 1,000th shares $0.008
1,001 - 5,000th shares $0.007
5,001 - 10,000th shares $0.006
10,001 - 50,000th shares $0.0055
50,001 - 200,000th shares $0.005
200,001 - 500,000th shares $0.0045
500,001 - 1,000,000th shares $0.004
1,000,001 - 5,000,000th shares $0.0035
5,000,001st shares and above $0.003


① An order can be divided into multiple transactions but will only be charged once.

② Cumulative trading shares per month: accumulated on a monthly basis and recalculated on the first trading day of each month or after the user changes its fee packages.

③ Interest will be charged at 4.8% p.a. when the cash balance in an account is negative. Interest is calculated on a daily basis and is settled at the end of the month.

④ After the account is opened, the fee package for US stock trading is fixed by default, and you can switch the package by yourself.

⑤ Low-priced stocks are generally more volatile and have the possibility of being delisted, investors need to pay attention to these risks.

⑥ In order to protect the interests of investors, commission and platform fees are charged at maximum 0.5% of the transaction amount. If it conflicts with the minimum standard, we will charge $0.99/order, according to the minimum standard.

⑦ Valid orders are settled based on the trading day. Transactions in the same trading day will be treated as 1 order, while transactions in the different trading days will be treated as different orders to calculate transaction related fees.

⑧ On September 2nd, 2019, Futu officially launched the new commission charging plan,and the existing clients can choose to keep the original charging plan. View the original plan

1.2.3 Comparison of different fee packages

Cumulative number of shares traded per month Platform Fees-Fixed Platform Fees-Tiered
100,000 $500 $537 (Average $0.0054 per share)
274,000 $1,370 $1,370 (Average $0.0050 per share)
1,000,000 $5,000 $4,387 (Average $0.0044 per share)


① If the cumulative number of shares traded each month is  less than 274,000 shares, it is recommended to choose the fixed type, which is suitable for ordinary traders.

② If the cumulative number of shares traded each month is greater than 274,000 shares, it is recommended to choose the tiered type, which is suitable for high-frequency traders.

1.3 Other Fees

Type Fees Charged by
Settlement Fees $0.003/Share U.S. Settlement Agency, etc
Regulatory Fees (sells only)

$0.0000278 * transaction amount, min $0.01/trade

Trading Activity Fees (sells only) $0.000166/Share, min $0.01/trade, max $8.30/trade FINRA


An order can be divided into multiple transactions but will only be charged once.


2. Us Fractional Trading

2.1 US Fractional Trading Fees

Type Commission Platform Fee Third-Party Fee
Trade Size <1 Share Free

0.99%* trade value,

max $0.99/order

Trade Size ≥1 Share Standard US stock trading fees apply


3. U.S. Stock/Index Options

Transaction and charge fees are both in U.S. dollars

3.1 Commission 

Type Fees Charged by
Commission Option Premium>$0.1: $0.65/Contract;
*Option Premium<=$0.1: $0.15/Contract;
min $1.99/Order


* This charge will take effect from April 24, 2024 ET. For the exact charge amount, please refer to the amount debited.

3.2 Platform Fees

Details will be introduced separately in fixed and tiered types.

3.2.1 Fixed (Suitable for ordinary traders)

Type Fees Charged by
Platform Fees $0.3/Contract FUTU HK

3.2.2 Tiered(Suitable for high frequency traders)

Contacts per month Fees per contract Charged by
1 - 50th contracts $0.60 FUTU HK
51 - 100th contracts $0.50
101 - 500th contracts $0.40
501 - 1,000th contracts $0.35
1,001 - 5,000th contracts $0.30
5,001 - 10,000th contracts $0.25
10,001 - 20,000th contracts $0.20
20,001 - 30,000th contracts $0.15
30,001 - 50,000th contracts $0.10
50,001st contracts and above $0.05

3.2.3 Comparison of different fee packages

Cumulative number of shares traded per month Platform Fees-Fixed Platform Fees-Tiered
1,000 $300 $390 (Average $0.39 per contract)
6,800 $2,040 $2,040 (Average $0.30 per contract)
10,000 $3,000 $2,840 (Average $0.284 per contract)


① If the cumulative number of contracts traded each month is  less than 6,800, it is recommended to choose the fixed type, which is suitable for ordinary traders.

② If the cumulative number of contracts traded each month is greater than 6,800, it is recommended to choose the tiered type, which is suitable for high-frequency traders.

③ Valid orders are settled based on the trading day. Transactions in the same trading day will be treated as 1 order, while transactions in the different trading days will be treated as different orders to calculate transaction related fees.

3.3 Other Fees

Type Fees Charged by
Regulatory Fees (sells only)

$0.0000278 * transaction amount, min $0.01/trade

Trading Activity Fees (sells only) $0.00279 per contract, minimum $0.01/trade FINRA
Options Regulatory Fees (ORF) $0.012/Contract U.S. clearing, settlement, and other institutions
OCC Fees

$0.02/Contract, max $55.00/trade

Option Settlement Fees $0.18/Contract U.S. clearing, settlement, and other institutions


① The Options Regulatory Fee ('ORF') is a fee assessed by exchanges on their members. The ORF fees are typically passed-through by members to their customers. ORF is collected by The Options Clearing Corp ("The OCC") on behalf of the U.S. options Exchanges. The stated purpose of the fee is to recover a portion of the costs related to the supervision and regulation of the options markets. These activities include routine surveillance, investigations, as well as policy, rulemaking, interpretive and enforcement activities. The applicable fee rate may result in a discrepancy with the fee charged by the upstream brokers or the relevant exchanges, and any excess fee will be retained while deficiency will not be charged to clients.

② US Option settlement fees are assessed by U.S. clearing, settlement, and other institutions to cover costs including but not limited to NSCC and DTC fees and use a blended rate. If the blended rate results in a discrepancy, the charging party will retain any excess fees, but will not charge clients for any deficiency.

Introduction to US Stock Multi-Leg Options Order Fees: US multi-leg options order may consist of either a combination of US options or combination of US options + stocks/ETFs. Each leg in a multi-leg options order is charged separately and subject to the minimum fee rate. Total fees are calculated by adding up the fees for each individual leg. 


4. U.S Other Service Fees

4.1 Fund Deposit/Withdrawal/Exchange

Type Fees
Fund deposit Free
Fund withdrawal Free
Fund exchange Based on Futu's comprehensive exchange rate quotation, real-time exchange in the market

4.2 Transfer Stock In/Out

Type Fees
Transfer stock in Free
Transfer stock out US $ 150 per stock per transaction
DRS transfer in US $ 150 per stock per transaction

Note: For manually processed stock transfers between diffferent brokerage accounts opened with Futu, transfer fees apply on a per-tranfer basis by type of stock(HK/US/A-shares).

4.3 Other Service Fees

Type Fees Charged by
Dividend Tax * The tax rate varies according to the regulations of each region
(Automatic withholding at the time of distribution)
Custody Fees of ADR * $0.01~$0.05/Share DTC
Mailing/Stamping of Daily and Monthly Account Statements $7/Statement + postage fees FUTU HK
General Meeting of Shareholders Attend or authorize a third party to attend the general meeting of shareholders (max 1 person) or entrust Futu Securities to vote
Administrative Fees: $10/per Application
U.S. tax-related administrative & handling fee*
*Only applies to client who is U.S. person as defined by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service
HKD 150 per 1099 form FUTU HK

Request for Certificate of Account Opening / Account Verification/Reissue Statement

Please inquire FUTU Securities FUTU HK
ADR Conversion
(ADR converts to HK stocks)
Handling fees: US$700 per stock per order (including third-party fee) FUTU HK
Conversion fees: US$5 per stock per lot (including third-party fee)
Algo Order Consistent with the standard fees FUTU HK
Manual Order Subject to an additional fee of 0.05% of the transaction amount on top of the above standard fees FUTU HK


① Transferring two stocks BABA and APPLE from Futu Securities to other brokers, the Transfer Fee is $150*2= $300.

② Custody Fees of ADR depending on the actual deduction amount.

③ Dividend taxation: When dividends are distributed, a certain amount of dividend tax will be charged. The tax rate varies according to the regulations of each country. For details, please refer to the daily account statement.

④ As of ADR conversion, one lot consists of 100 ADS, and less than one lot is rounded up to one lot (please notice that the "lot" unit of HK stocks is not applicable here); the final fees may vary due to different third parties, and clients can confirm with us before conversion.

Charges for other services not included above are subject to negotiation, please contact Futu for more information.